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Startseite SPORT.FORUM.SCHWEIZ > 6 social media tips and trends for April 2021

15.04.2021 // Content Stadium

6 social media tips and trends for April 2021

Every month, Content Stadium is sharing bite-size summaries of the top social media best practices, examples and trends that came across. Both from their own experience working with clients, and from what they’ve been reading around the web.

1. Boost your social engagement with short-form podcasts

Ever wanted to start a podcast, but not sure how or where to find the time?

Voetbalflitsen achieves an average of 9,000 listens per episodes with their 2-minute podcasts. They invest little to no time, and found no need for a separate podcast platform. How?

  1. Spending 5 minutes putting together their 2-minute podcasts.
  2. Recording themselves via Skype.
  3. Posting on social media using our templates with auto-generated audio waveforms.

2. Prioritize vertical video formats on social media

New research found that vertical mobile video ads perform better than horizontal ones, even when both are viewed in full-screen. Vertical video ads tested on Facebook led to more views to completion and engagement. They were also 13% easier to mentally process. And the effect was stronger for younger generations.

While this research tested video ads, the trend for vertical format is accelerating across all video content. Not surprising when more than 75% of all video viewing is now on mobile. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok and even (somewhat) YouTube are all encouraging their users to adopt vertical formats.

So, try prioritizing vertical video formats across your social media channels — especially if you’re going after a younger audience — to test its effect.

3. Put your people forward to create a sense of community

People are more likely to want to work or engage with people they know, like and trust.

Put this to the test by spotlighting your employees, partners, players and even customers on social media. This should help humanize your brand, build relationships and create a sense of community among your audience.

Sports teams are a great example of this. From goals to lineups, quotes and happy birthday visuals, they constantly put their players and other team members in the spotlight, which sees them securing high levels of engagement.

4. Add a question in the comments to get the conversation going

Looking to increase engagement on your social media posts? 433 suggests adding a question in the comment section right after you’ve published your post.

This should encourage users to respond and interact with your account, and even with each other.

5. Social recruitment isn’t just about posting job vacancies

Content Stadium's recent survey showed that employer branding and recruitment specialists create social media content about life at the company (celebrations, new starters, workplace tours, employees at work, etc.), as much as they do about job vacancies.

So, when it comes to social recruitment, don’t just think about job posts.

Vary your content to show what it’s like to work for your organization, share employees’ stories and more. This should help you increase reach and engagement, and, ultimately, fill more job vacancies. Discover Content Stadium's other 6 employer branding best practices.

6. Stay up-to-date with the latest social media news

Here are the top social media platform updates and releases in the past month:


Content Stadium
Frank Festen (Country Manager DACH)


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